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1951 Bowman BB

1951 Bowman BB


The 1951 Bowman Baseball set consists of 324 cards measuring 2-1/16" by 3-1/8". The initial run totaled 252 cards but late in the issue’s production run was expanded by 72 pieces. Each simple cardfront displayed a player’s likeness, most of which were recognizable press photographs enhanced by painted color and embellished by the player’s name caption. The gallery includes future Cooperstown enshrinees Yogi Berra, Roy Campanella, Pee Wee Reese, Duke Snider, Warren Spahn and Ted Williams, along with rookies Whitey Ford and Nellie Fox, and numerous other stars and popular players. It is the final 72 cards, the “High Numbers,” that took the set to the proverbial “next level” thanks to the iconic rookie cards of young New York stars Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays. Mantle's horizontal, over-the-shoulder batting pose became an immediate sensation among collectors, and Mays followed close behind.


    1951 Bowman Baseball

    • 324 Card Regular Set

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