1934-36 Batter Up BB
The 1934 Batter-Up baseball set, manufactured by National Chicle, consists of 192 cards issued over a three-year period. Cards #1-80 measure 2-3/8” by 3-1/4”, while the remaining #81-192 measure 2-3/8” by 3”. Each card is printed in black-and-white or varying colors with an in-action player photograph in the center of the die-cut, which allowed collectors to fold the card within the perforation to stand the cards upright. Near the bottom of each is a white box with “Batter-Up”, the player’s name, team and position printed inside. Key cards from this set include Jimmy Foxx (#28), Rogers Hornsby (#35), Hank Greenberg (#57), Dizzy Dean (#64), Bill Dickey (#117), Charlie Gehringer (#130), Jimmy Foxx (#144), Mo Berg (#149) Lefty Grove (#153), Leo Durocher (#156), Frank Frisch (#173) and Chuck Klein (#185), as well as numerous other Hall of Famers.
1934-36 Batter Up Baseball
- 192 Card Regular Set
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